Our yarns are made with cashmere that comes from Tibetan Himalaya Region where Hircus goats produce the finest and softest hair to protect themselves from winter’s harshness. Goats loose their finest hair in spring giving humans the chance to harvest from about 100-300 grams per goat, per year. Fibers are transformed in Italy, our yarns: by Cariaggi , our jersey by ancient factory: Maggia, our kinitting in most experienced laboratories. All this become ACHENI Cashmere, a cashmere icon collection made with kowledge by a group of experienced women: Project product and marketing Maria Grazia P30 y – Logistic Leda F 25 y – Production Supervisor Silvia T 25 y) – Logo designer Sachiko M 30 y – Taylor Cristina S 20y, for a total of one century and half of deep know-how dedicated to ACHENI Project.